
How To Organize and Plan A Productive Day

This is how to organize and plan for a productive & successful day. Also, what I use to stay organized to achieve my daily tasks.

Welcome to 2020. A new year and a new decade. It’s that time where we write down our goals and finally get our life together, or at least organize it! Today, I am sharing how you can organize/plan for a productive and successful day. Planning and organizing is the gateway to having success. Before planning anything, try to “brain dump” first.

Brain Dump

A “Brain dump” is writing down everything you have to do / what’s on your mind. Essentially, you’re “dumping” everything from your mind onto paper. This allows your thoughts to be somewhere physical and not stuck in your mind. This helps with anxiety, stress, and overthinking. It also allows me to pick and choose what I’ve been worrying about and actually get them done.

Next, prioritize the list. After writing down everything you need to get done, prioritize your tasks from most important to least important or by when it needs to get done. This helps with getting bigger/important tasks done first then focusing on the little tasks.

Plan the Night Before

I always plan everything I have to do the night before. It makes me feel less anxious about all the things I have to get done. It also allows me to calm my mind before going to sleep. I hate when I’m in bed and I think of something I have to do and hope I don’t forget it when I wake up. That’s why I take time every night to plan my next day. 

When I’m planning my day, I make sure to “eat the frog” first. This means I like to plan the task that I don’t want to do first, to get it out of the way. You can read more about “eating the frog” and its benefits here.

While planning your day, make sure to not over plan.

Don’t Over Plan

This goes back to prioritizing the list. Make sure to stick to six important tasks that you can achieve that day. If you know you won’t get something done that day then don’t plan it for that day. Try planning 3 big tasks and 3 smaller tasks to make sure you have enough time to get it done. This is the best way to organize your day, to be honest. It not only makes you more productive but it also allows you to check off all your tasks. Making you feel more successful about your day!

Now, let’s talk about what I use to stay organized and plan my day!

What I Use to Stay Organized

Google Calendar:

If you’re a digital planner person, then you’ll love Google Calendar. You can color-code your tasks, set reminders for your tasks, and even set up goals! My whole schedule for the day is color-coded. For example, blog work is purple, workouts are red, and “chill time” is yellow. I like that it notifies you when a task needs to be completed. I do this by setting up my tasks as “Events” and schedule a time frame of when I need to get it done. Yes, I plan my day hour by hour. Sounds crazy but it keeps me so productive!! This also helps keep me on track to getting all my tasks completed before my day ends.


I still need a physical planner to plan my day or else I would be lost! I use Google Calendar to plan my day by hour and I use my planner to physically check off tasks and look at events. I use a weekly/monthly planner because I like to look at the month as a whole and then focus on weekly/daily tasks. I also like that I can keep it open next to me to make sure I’m getting my stuff done. ALSO, I like to grab it and quickly write something down right when I think of it! I like a big monthly calendar, too, to look at the month as a whole. Here is my new 2020 planner.

Google Docs:

This is something I use for my blog work, ideas, notes, or drafts of blog posts. I use Google Docs instead of a notebook because I can use it on any device at any time. Sometimes I think of a blog post idea, open up Docs, and just start writing. I can also easily copy and paste it onto WordPress, so that’s a plus! I also like that I don’t have to carry around a notebook everywhere I go. 

That’s how I organize/plan for a productive and successful day! I love talking organization and planning so if you have any more questions I’ll be glad to answer in the comments. Happy 2020 everyone! I hope your year is filled with success, happiness, and growth. Cheers.

Until next time,


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  1. While I love using my online programs (Google Calendar, Google Docs, Evernote, Taskade), at the end of the day I always find there is something about old school pen and paper that always works best for me. I think I just need to see it written out in front of me and have the satisfaction of physically crossing it off when it’s done lol

      1. Hay think the Universe is sending me a message because I’ve only read about productivity this week. I like the way you present it, simple and precise. Thank you for this.

    1. Oh my goodness I needed to read this today! I feel so not productive these days. Thanks for the tips to get organized!

  2. I’ve been to several time management/planning courses especially Stephen Covey but I’m old school and just like to write it down especially to-do lists. A calendar on the fridge, etc.

  3. Great ideas… Like the previous reader, I love to write everything down on paper. Checking things off a list makes it that much more rewarding for me! ?

  4. I always love hearing how other people plan since I’m obsessed with planning too. I don’t use Google Calendar, but I have a few dayplanners, a big calendar, and a notebook that keeps me on track. Thank you for sharing your system!

  5. I love this post! When I saw your “eat the frog” quote I had to laugh. That’s my department’s motto! We prioritize what we want to do the “least”, first, and I do that in my off-work hours too. It’s nice to see we’re not the only ones. I also like writing and lists, but I never though to do a brain dump and do it all at once. What a great idea!

  6. These are some great tips on how to organize and plan a successful day. Overplanning was something I was guilty of doing a lot last year. But this year, I’ve been trying to break that habit and focus on three tasks a day. I love the idea of doing a “brain dump.” We carry around so much sometimes it makes it hard to focus. Thanks for sharing these tips.

  7. These are some good tips. I use a physical planner to write down a to-do list at the end of my day job, so that when the next day comes I don’t waste time trying to recall what I did the previous day. Thanks for sharing your tips.

  8. I don’t know where I would be without Google Calendar. I love having my tasks on paper to physically check off, but calendar online.

  9. I totally do the brain dump thing 😛 I take a big sheet of a4 paper and write whatever is on my mind. But I struggle with overplanning 🙁
    I like your idea of 3 big and 3 small tasks. will try it! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love the “brain dump”. I do this occasionally and it’s so helpful, I just didn’t have a term for it. This is accurate though, it’s just like dumping out the junk drawer to organize it.

  11. I just learned about brain dumping last year and find it really helps to clear my head! I have to be better about not over planning – everything always takes longer than I expect! Thanks for sharing your tips on productivity! xo Nipa

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