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What To Do Instead of Using Your Phone When You Wake Up

15 things to do instead of looking at your phone when you wake up.

I used to have the worst habit of looking at my phone right when I wake up. It became just a normal thing to grab it and check social media in case I missed something important while I was sleeping. I would find myself going through all my apps (Instagram, Twitter, emails..) and staying in bed for almost 30 minutes! I always think it’s such a waste of my time just laying there unconsciously looking at my phone. It’s probably wasn’t the best thing for my mental or physical health! This is a habit I have since changed. There are so many other things you can do instead of looking at your phone in the morning. Here are 15.

1. Stretch

Nothing is better than stretching your body after not moving for eight hours. Just stretching my arms over my head and legs outward (while laying down) feels amazing. Try these 10 stretches that increase energy by Blogilates!

2. Yoga

I actually used to do this in the morning and really liked it because I was being active but not necessarily working out. It’s a calming way to wake up in the morning. 

3. Make Bed

Making my bed always makes me feel more productive, probably because it makes your room look more put together.

4. Make a To-Do List

Writing down what you need to get done for the day makes you more obligated to get stuff done. Take time to write down your daily goals and a to-do list. Then start checking off those things!

5. Read/Write a Poem

Reading something motivational always puts me in a good mood in the morning. Poems always leave me mesmerized and gives me something to think about during the day.

follow my “words” Pinterest board for quotes and poems

6. Make Breakfast

When you don’t look at your phone for 30 minutes, you realize you have a lot of time to make breakfast! So, make your favorite. Mine is oatmeal with fruit ☺️

7. Meditate

This is something I used to do that made me feel relaxed and energized to start my day. A simple 10 minute meditation will definitely make you feel more focused than looking at social media in the morning!

8. Read A Chapter From A Book

I keep a book on my dresser next to me, for easy reach and to remind me to read it. I’m currently reading this one about how to better your mental health.

9. Pick Your Outfit For The Day

Instead of just grabbing any random article of clothing from “the pile” (that pile of clothes that you’ve worn once but it’s not dirty yet), try putting together a new outfit. Here are some outfit ideas.

10. Write Down Your Dreams

Start your day by getting some writing done! Keep a journal and pen by your bed and write down what you dreamt about that night! ?

11. Write Down First Thoughts

Write down what you first thought about the moment you woke up. Sometimes I wake up with ideas for blog posts, so I have to write them down before I forget!

12. Turn On Music

Make a morning playlist and listen to it right when you wake up, so it can wake you up!! ? Music always gets me up and moving.

13. Take A Shower

I never used to shower in the morning, but now I understand why people do it! It makes you feel refreshed and energized to start the day. Also, apparently a lot of successful people take morning showers (if that means something lol).

14. Take A Bath

If your body aches in the morning, try taking a warm bath to loosen up your muscles. Maybe even read a book while you’re in there to waken up the mind ??

15. Call A Friend, Family Member or Significant Other

Lastly, calling a friend, family member or significant other always gets me in a good mood in the morning. I love when my boyfriend calls me in the morning before he goes into work. It puts me in such a good mood for the rest of the day ☺️ (This doesn’t count as looking at your phone, you’re just holding it! lol)

Technology doesn’t have to take over your life, you have the power to change your habits. I understand checking emails and reading texts are important but make sure you are leaving time in the morning for you. Avoid mindlessly scrolling through social media. We are not meant to consume that much media on a daily basis. Don’t give into your compulsions. 

What’s the first thing you do right when you wake up?

Until next time,


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  1. Excellent suggestions! I’ve been working stretching into my morning routines to combat this exact thing! Will keep some of these other suggestions in mind in case I start to faulter! 😉

  2. I absolutely LOVE This list! So often, we are tempted to grab hold of our phones the moment we open our eyes. All of the activities you mentioned are MUCH MORE PRODUCTIVE than scrolling through social media.

  3. I’m guilty of picking up my phone as soon as I wake up, first to check the time and then to go through social media. I waste so much time scrolling through before actually getting up. I definitely want to try doing morning yoga!

  4. I will admit that there are mornings I still give in to the temptation, but my most positive mornings start with meditation and a cup of coffee.

  5. These are great ideas! I have such a bad habit to hit the snooze button until it’s crunch time and I still scroll on my phone. I always try to remind myself that I can sit and drink coffee and do my makeup if I wake up earlier!

    Hannah the Mad Dog

  6. I really like all of these suggestions! I think all to often we do get caught up in wanting to look at our phones to see what we might have missed or to catch up on things. However, when we start out doing something that does not require us to stare at a screen after we had a good nights rest, it really can shift our day in a more positive way!

    1. Once I started to read instead of going on social media when I wake up, I found that the rest of the day was so much better! Probably because social media can be very negative sometimes.

    1. Just know that when you do yoga, you are focusing on your wellbeing and waking up your body and mind. That always motivates me ☺️

      1. Unfortunately I always pick up my phone but it’s to turn off my alarm. These are some excellent tips. I always make breakfast and do my bed religiously, but I will try to start doing yoga.

  7. Great tips! I’ve recently made my room a no social media zone. I have my phone in there for my alarm, but I won’t let myself look at anything on it. IT’S SUPER HARD. Thanks for the article. So encouraging!

  8. I have the worst habit of looking at my phone as soon as I wake up. These are some great alternatives!
    I’ve recently started keeping my kindle next to my bed so I can read first thing in the morning instead.

  9. Great post! I’m guilty of reaching for my phone first thing and checking my notifications! But, in my defense, I also use it for the time 🙂 In all seriousness, I see how we’re becoming a screen-obsessed nation and so it can never hurt to do something different with our time in the morning.

    1. I always think to myself, “what would I do if I didn’t have a phone?”. My answer is I would probably be reading, writing, or drawing. In reality, looking at social media aimlessly is a waste of time and I think there’s more to life than constantly checking my phone!

  10. This is a great blog post, I have to stop picking up my phone right away. I usually have my daughter in my bed by the morning and she always wakes me up by saying “morning” <3 best way to start the day.

  11. This is such a good list! Really productive activities you have here. Hahaha, I typically just stare at the wall dazedly for 10 minutes right after waking up cause I’m too lazy to drag myself out of bed.

  12. Love the ideas! These days I make sure to get myself in order as soon as I wake up. That means, brushing my teeth, doing my skincare and setting the bed. I’ve also gotten into the routine of working out in the mornings after a cup of coffee. Right now, I’m challenging myself to make a habit of journaling in the mornings!

    1. I’ve consciously been trying to read my bible first thing. It’s difficult and at times I go back and forth between my phone and my bible but I feel like it’ll gradually get better over time.

      The thing is with a lot of these suggestions is that we turn to our phone to do those things. Using your phone to call a close one, perhaps reading an ebook that happens to be downloaded on the phone or doing a to-do list. It just shows how integrated technology is in our everyday lives. Perhaps a future conversation could be how to use our phones to be productive?

      Johnny | Johnny’s Traventures

  13. This is something I’ve been wanting to work on lately! Ever since this quarantine started I’ve been in the habit of looking at my phone as soon as I wake up, and I end up wasting 30+ minutes just mindlessly scrolling. I love these ideas and I’m definitely going to start implementing some of them into my mornings!

  14. I really hate checking my phone in the morning! I have changed my morning routine to implement other things that isn’t checking my phone.

  15. Nothing beats morning activities.All these sound refreshing books,music and yoga definitely does it for me and I think morning activities would pretty much shape how the day might turn out.

  16. Love this! I’m guilty of looking at my phone first thing so this is something I need to work on. Great post!

  17. This is so amazing! I am trying so hard to cut my screen time down! These are awesome things to do instead. Thank you for sharing!

  18. These are some great suggestions. I’ll definitely add a few of these into my daily routine. Thanks, for sharing.

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